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Learn How To Practice Effectively &

Take Your Piano Skill To The Next Level 

 In Just 3 Weeks






The 3-week online coaching program

Summer Piano Camp Intensive 

For Adult Learners

How to Practice Piano 101: Keys to Artistic Excellence

will begin on August 3, 2024.

We are limiting to only 15 students for this coaching program. Take your seat before all taken. 


Summer Piano Intensive For Adult Learners

The 3-Week Coaching Program to jumpstart you on the right path so that you can progress in the right direction for many years to come. Improving your practice skills creates a pathway to performing your dream repertoire, pieces of music that you previously thought were out of your reach.










Transform Your Piano Skills:

Summer Piano Intensive for Adult Learners


How to Practice Piano 101-

Keys to Artistic Excellence


Do you long to play the piano with confidence and ease? Are you tired of practicing but not seeing the results you desire? Our Summer Piano Intensive for Adult Learners is designed to help you transform your piano practice and unlock your musical potential.


Many adult piano learners face common challenges that can hinder their progress. Inconsistent practice, ineffective techniques, and a lack of motivation can lead to frustration and a sense of being stuck. Most online piano courses lack personalized feedback, leaving you feeling stuck in your progress.


We help adult learners move from a frustrating intermediate plateau to learning how to practice correctly so that they feel secure in their playing and can confidently share their love of music with others. 


Over three transformative weeks, our artist-teachers, Jeeyoon and Anthony, will guide you through the secrets of transformative piano practice, empowering you with the tools and techniques to elevate your playing. This 3-Week Coaching Program will jumpstart you on the right path so that you can progress in the right direction for many years to come. Improving your practice skills creates a pathway to performing your dream repertoire, pieces of music that you previously thought were out of your reach. 


Say goodbye to the humdrum of online courses! Our intensive camp is a vibrant learning hub where you'll engage in interactive Zoom classes, delve into comprehensive video lessons, and connect with fellow pianists through our exclusive community board.


Class size is strictly limited to 15 students, ensuring personalized feedback and a nurturing environment. And don't worry about missing a session, we provide recordings of all our live classes for your convenience!


Join us this August for an unparalleled journey of discovery and transformation.

Together, let's unlock your true piano potential and take your playing to new heights!

By participating in our intensive program,

you will have:

Comprehensive Video Lessons

Supplement live sessions with high-quality video lessons, accessible anytime, anywhere.

Three Interactive Live Zoom Classes

Practice together in a group, sharing ideas. Receive live feedback from experienced artist-teachers, ensuring your practice is targeted and effective

Zoom Sessions Date and Time: 

August 10, Saturday, 11 a.m. (PST) 

August 17, Saturday, 11 a.m. (PST) 

August 24, Saturday, 11 a.m. (PST) 

Practice Resources

Develop a practice routine with a workbook guidance and check lists for your daily practice for 3 consecutive weeks. 

Community Engagement

Connect with fellow pianists and share your experiences on our exclusive community board

Limited Class Size

Enjoy the benefits of small group instruction with a class limited to 15 students, maximizing personalized attention

What Our Students Say: 

Our Intensive Coaching Program

How to Practice Piano 101 for Adult Learners

is for those who is

a passionate learner like you:

meet Alex!

Alex is someone who has always had a love for music, particularly the piano. Despite a busy schedule with work and family commitments, Alex is eager to take piano playing to the next level and master advanced techniques. Seeking a comprehensive guide to transformative piano practice, Alex chose Kim and Kim Piano Academy for its holistic approach that goes beyond just teaching notes, offering effective strategies to enhance practice routines and approach music with renewed enthusiasm. Alex envisions a future where piano playing is not just a hobby but a meaningful source of joy and personal growth. If you're like Alex and looking to elevate your piano skills, join us at Kim and Kim Piano Academy and let's embark on this musical journey together!


  • Stuck in Intermediate Plateau: Are you frustrated with feeling like you've hit a wall in your piano playing? If you're struggling to progress beyond the intermediate level and are unsure how to break through to the next stage, our intensive coaching program is here to provide you with the practice tools to move forward with confidence.


  • Fun-Seekers: Do you believe that learning should be enjoyable and engaging? Our program is designed with your enjoyment in mind, offering a dynamic and interactive learning environment that will reignite your passion for the piano and inspire you to practice with enthusiasm and dedication.


  • Lack of Effective Practice Strategies: Do you find yourself practicing for hours on end without seeing significant improvement? Many adult learners struggle with inefficient practice habits and are in need of guidance on how to practice effectively. Our program will teach you proven strategies for maximizing your practice time and achieving tangible results.


  • Seeking Professional Feedback: Are you craving feedback from experienced teachers who can help you identify areas for improvement and provide actionable advice? Our team of artist-teachers is dedicated to offering personalized feedback and guidance to help you refine your technique, musicality, and performance skills.


  • Yearning for Community and Support: Do you often feel isolated in your piano practice, lacking the camaraderie and support of fellow musicians? Our program fosters a supportive community where you can connect with like-minded adult learners, share experiences, and encourage each other on your musical journeys.


  • Summer Enthusiasts: Are you eager to make the most of your summer break by diving into a rewarding and enjoyable learning experience? Our Summer Piano Intensive offers a refreshing alternative to traditional summer activities, providing you with the opportunity to immerse yourself in the joy of piano playing while making tangible progress towards your musical goals.  


  • Seeking an accountability partner: If you're in need of structure and an accountability partner to jumpstart your practice routine, look no further. By practicing consistently for three weeks with a checklist and daily practice journal to keep you on track and motivated, our program provides a supportive environment where you can share progress, and hold each other accountable. Together, we'll establish a structured practice routine tailored to your schedule and goals, ensuring steady improvement and a renewed enthusiasm for your piano journey.

 "What a valuable guide..."

"Studying at Kim & Kim Piano Academy has been transformative. Jeeyoon and Anthony's passion for music shines through in every lesson. Their guidance has helped me overcome challenges and grow as a pianist. With Jeeyoon's expertise as a concert pianist and Anthony's background as a conductor, I've gained valuable insights that have enriched my musical journey. I'm grateful for their guidance and dedication from both of them."

"Enriching musical experience..." 

"At Kim & Kim Piano Academy, I've found a perfect blend of expertise and warmth. Jeeyoon and Anthony's dedication to music education is evident in their thoughtful approach to teaching. They've created a nurturing environment where I feel comfortable exploring and challenging myself. Their guidance has not only improved my piano skills but also deepened my love for music. I'm grateful for their mentorship and highly recommend Kim & Kim Piano Academy to anyone looking for an enriching musical experience."

Okay, I can see this Intensive Program seems amazing and maybe it is a right fit for me.
But what’s actually in the program categories?


  •  16 X Training Video with Jeeyoon and Anthony ($1750 value) 
  •  3 X Live Sessions with Jeeyoon and Anthony ($900 value) 
  •  Step-by-step workbooks and exercises ($300 value)
  • Daily action tracker and reminder to your inbox an accountability partner for your 3-week practice routine ($100 value) 
  •  Access to our private community board Pianists' Lounge for networking, support from fellow pianists and discussions. 
  •  Lifetime access to the training videos

 VALUE = $2950

Claim your spot now for one easy payment of



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Frequently Asked Questions

Still not sure? 

Book 1:1 FREE 20 minutes Q&A meeting on Zoom with us!

*You can always email us any questions you might have to [email protected]m

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